Thursday, December 7, 2017

SBL-BPR-00162: Error invoking service 'Complex Product AutoMatch Service', method 'AutoMatch' at step 'Auto Match Port Ids'.

If you asset has sub-products which doesnt exist in the current product strucuture , this error will appear. Solution : Inactivate such product under the asset and try to perform the operation.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


SecAdptLog API Trace 4 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 DB SecurityLogin with username=sadmin, parameters=2e53500. ObjMgrDBConnLog Create 5 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 DataBase Connection Object was created at 84593f0; DB User: 'sadmin' DBCLog DBCLogDetail 4 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 Unable to get environment variable: SIEBEL_ORA_BIND_PEEK, continuing with default "FALSE" ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 (oracon.cpp (3150)) SBL-DBC-00107: An Oracle database error has occurred. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists. SQLParseAndExecute Execute 5 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server SecAdptLog API Trace 4 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 Security DB user connect to DB "your DB" with username=sadmin returns err 22152 and connection 84593f0. SecAdptLog API Trace 4 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 Security DB user delete DB connectoin 84593f0 ObjMgrDBConnLog Delete 5 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 DataBase Connection was deleted at 84593f0 GenericLog GenericError 1 0 2013-02-02 15:32:12 (secmgr.cpp (2357) err=7010018 sys=0) SBL-SEC-10018: An Oracle database error has occurred. Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00107) ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

SBL-SEC-00003 - Server busy error

secmgr.cpp (2278) err=7000003 sys=0) SBL-SEC-00003: An error occurred checking the checksum of the security adapter library. Please contact your system administrator for assistance. ObjMgrSessionLog ObjMgrLogin 3 0 2013-01-02 17:25:59 Login failed for Login name : sadmin Solution : set CRC value to "0" in the DBdatasource named subsystem

Login failed attempting to connect to siebel.tcpip.none.none

6: [SWSE] Open Session failed (0x56bf) after 224.6211 seconds. ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2013-01-26 22:09:58 36: [SWSE] Failed to obtain a session ID. Login failed attempting to connect to %1 ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2013-01-26 22:09:58 36: [SWSE] Set Error Response (Session: Error: 00022207 Message: Login failed attempting to connect to siebel.tcpip.none.none://VirtualServer/****/EAIObjMgr_enu) ProcessPluginRequest ProcessPluginRequestError 1 0 2013-01-26 22:09:58 36: [SWSE] Login failed.\nSBL-SSM-00005: Timeout occurred while opening SISNAPI connection. GenericLog GenericError 1 0 2013-01-26 22:14:11 (smconn.cpp (271) err=1801201 sys=145) SBL-NET-01201: Internal: connect() failed: Connection timed out Solution : Check if the SC broker and SR broker is running on all the siebel servers

Thursday, November 17, 2011

CA SiteMinder Integration with Siebel

Here goes the steps to integrate siteminder with siebel

Friday, April 8, 2011

SitiMinder Siebel Connector Errors

22-4572 DBG: SecurityLogin8() calling AuthAzAndCollectResponse()
22-4572 DBG: AuthAzAndCollectResponse - Auth rejected
22-4572 DBG: Function return code is No
22-4572 ERR: User NOT authenticated!

32-6776 DBG: Checking for Anonymous user
32-6776 DBG: SecurityLogin8() calling AuthAzAndCollectResponse()
33-6776 DBG: AuthAzAndCollectResponse - Authentication ACCEPTED
3-6776 DBG: AuthAzAndCollectResponse - Authorization ACCEPTED
33-6776 DBG: Found response siebelcbg
33-6776 DBG: Found SIEBELUSER Response
33-6776 DBG: Usernames match

SiteMinder TroubleShooting - Siebel Server Issues

6876: _smiSarmFdrObj::Execute(43d204) for SARM, WaitTime=60

SisnTcpIp SisnSockDetail 4 00008f304d9e0d78:0 2011-04-08 05:02:59 10136: [LOCALTRANS-server] accept() timeout during get conn request

SisnTcpIp SisnSockDetail 4 00008f304d9e0d78:0 2011-04-08 05:03:04 10136: [LOCALTRANS-server] accept() timeout during get conn request

SisnTcpIp SisnSockDetail 4 00008f304d9e0d78:0 2011-04-08 05:03:09 10136: [LOCALTRANS-server] accept() timeout during get conn request Solution :Update the SiteMinderSecAdpt profile at Enterprise Level